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“Structural analysis and reinforcement of container cranes for sea transport (Zeuko, Bilbao)
Design and calculation of grillage and seafastening for 135 t Voith runner transportation by barge from James Bay to Chisasibi, La grande River, Canada. (Panalpina Houston)
Pearl Lu Feng LF7-2 13000 t module, anchoring calculation – positioning and float-over operation (Newfield, Tianjin, China)
Design and structural analysis of the construction platform for Petronet Dahej Standby Jetty installation (Proes, Madrid).
4500 t module “Kristin”, Cadiz, Spain. Loadout by SPMT trailers on the barge, Dragados offshore (Spain).
4640 t ORV module, Cadiz, Spain, Loadout by SPMT trailers on the barge, and load in operation in Algeciras, Dragados offshore (Spain) and Saipem (Italy)
2100 t BOG module, Cadiz, Spain, Loadout by SPMT trailers on the barge, and load in operation in Algeciras, Dragados offshore (Spain) and Saipem (Italy)
12000 t Buzzard module, loadout by skidding on grounded barge, Dragados offshore (Spain) and Nexen (Canada)